Carboxy Therapy, The Best Skin Rejuvenating Solution – Today’s technology brings many changes to how people improve their skin health. Using different approaches and high-tech equipment, it can be done safely to produce a much better result. One of the methods we want to highlight is carboxy therapy.
We have this method in this article because of its uniqueness. It utilizes different approaches to rejuvenate skin condition. Now, let’s dive into the Carboxy Therapy for rejuvenating skin.
How Does It Work
When we said it uses a different approach, we were talking about the uses of CO2 gas. Unlike other skin treatments, this therapy uses gas which can be considered quite risky. However, you don’t need to worry. Our team ensures that the CO2 gas used in this therapy is safe. That includes the volume we use as well as the type of CO2 gas. In this case, we use the medical-grade CO2.
Carboxy Therapy treats skin by inserting the CO2 gas in the targeted skin area. This procedure creates a fake condition of oxygen deficiency in the targeted skin area. Thus, it tricks the body into responding to that condition. The response is the body will send more blood and oxygen to the treated skin. The body also stimulates that skin area to produce more collagen to recover the condition. That is our procedure’s goal that brings a rejuvenating effect to the skin.
How Does the Treatment Proceed?
The treatment doesn’t require too much time. Our Carboxy Therapy only takes about 10 to 15 minutes. We use small 0.3 mm needles to insert CO2 to the skin. Therefore, it is painless and considered a non-intrusive treatment. No surgery means you don’t need to worry about long recovery. Just have some rest to let the skin rejuvenation show the result. Once the result appears, it can last up to six months.
The Benefits of Carboxy Therapy
Carboxy Therapy offers several benefits to your skin. For example:
Effective cellulite treatment
Cellulite can appear on anyone’s skin. It is caused by the skin stretching and its inability to regain its elasticity. The stretching occurs because of weight gain or an increase in the size of that part of the body. Pregnancy is one of the best examples of the culprit that causes cellulite problems. The fats under the skin stay in that area. Therefore, the mark appears because of this extra volume.
Carboxy Therapy helps to deal with these extra fats. It makes the body naturally burn those fats. Then, more collagen will fix the stretch mark on the skin. The result will look more natural and smooth. We recommend taking 10-15 sessions to get a more natural result. Then, wear loose clothes and avoid sunlight to boost the recovery process.
Burn excess fats
We also provide this therapy for those who want to remove excess fats. These extra fats make the skin look not appealing and old. Cellulite can appear because of the fats. Wrinkles are also a common problem because of this condition.
Our Carboxy Therapy is suitable to deal with this problem. Moreover, we can perform the treatment for various parts of your body. So, you can use our therapy to remove skin problems on the abdomen, thighs, breasts, arms, and other parts of your body.
Treat scars
Our Carboxy Therapy is effective to treat scar. We utilize this therapy’s ability to improve the production of collagen on skin. This therapy boosts body production of fibroblast. That is the source of collagen fibers that our body uses to repair the damaged skin. That includes scars.
You also can consider Carboxy Therapy as an acne treatment. Acne can cause serious damage on the skin. The acne scar also is known to be difficult to remove. However, the Carboxy Therapy boosts the natural recovery process that helps to remove or fade that scar appearance. Furthermore, we also use it to remove acne. It is one of the best ways to prevent acne scars.
Other Treatments
AMO Spa provides other treatments that support Carboxy Therapy. We recommend you to get them to ensure the result is satisfying and natural. Our skin treatments are available in many types, such as Hi-Fem sculpting, IPL treatment, and many more.
We use advanced techniques and procedures to ensure that the treatment is safe and produces the best result. Our equipment is those with the latest technology. Therefore, regarding the efficiency and comfort, we are confident we will be able to provide the best experience to you.
To learn more about Carboxy Therapy and other treatments we have, you can visit our official website. We have all the information you have there. You also can contact our team to ask directly about our treatments.
Once you are ready, contact us and book for treatment session for Carboxy Therapy. Do not forget to get the extra treatment, such as microneedling or hi-fem therapy. Enjoy!
Carboxy Therapy, The Best Skin Rejuvenating Solution – Today’s technology brings many changes to how people improve their skin health.