How to Practice Self-Care
Things seem to move so fast in today’s world. We seem to always be on the go or doing something. And it’s easy to let the stress of a fast-paced life build up and forget to take the time to take care of ourselves.
Practicing self-care is very important, and something that we should all take more time to do. Self-care can help you destress, calm down, find peace of mind, and much more. In fact, some people report higher confidence and self-esteem after taking more time to practice self-care.
Practicing self-care isn’t hard, either. It is actually as simple as carving out a certain amount of time in your day to focus on yourself or something you love. Self-care is different for everybody. What works for one person, may not work for another. It is all about individual preferences.
If you are ready to start spending more time on yourself and start practicing self-care, you should ask yourself, “What makes me feel good?” and “What would be a de-stressing activity for me?”
Then, start coming up with your own self-care rituals! Here are a few ideas of different ways to practice self-care to get you started:
1. Learn to say no.
This is extremely simple and doesn’t even take any extra time out of your day. If you have trouble saying “no” to requests made of you and end up spreading yourself too thin and getting stressed out, this is a super important practice. Saying no to certain activities that you don’t have time for or that your heart isn’t in will open up more time for you to spend on yourself later.
2. Unplug.
Take time away from technology every now and then. Turn off your phone, computer, tablet, and even your TV to spend time on self-care. Spend that time away from distractions and the constant buzz of social media and other people’s issues. Focus on yourself and nothing else.
3. Sleep.
Naps aren’t just for toddlers. If you find yourself longing to snuggle up under your cozy comforter mid-afternoon, go for it! If your body is telling you that you need sleep, you should listen to it. Not getting enough sleep is bad for your health and a whole host of other bodily functions. So, turn on some white noise, get cozy, and snooze away!
4. Take yourself on a date.
Many people find the need to go with other people when they want to go out to eat, to the movies, or even just to the mall. But there’s nothing wrong with taking yourself out to all of those places. Spending time alone can even be cathartic. So, next time you feel like a movie or going to get a coffee, go for it!
5. Treat yourself.
In the same sense as taking yourself out on a date, take yourself to get your nails or hair done, or to get a massage. Maybe even go shopping and buy something for yourself that you wouldn’t normally buy. Don’t be shy about spending money on yourself. You’re worth it!
6. Create something.
Whatever your creative outlet is, whether it’s writing, drawing, painting, baking or DIY projects, make time to lose yourself in your work at least once a week, if not more.
7. Relax.
Light some candles, turn on some soothing music, and meditate or do light yoga. You could even read a book or play a relaxing game like sudoku. Do whatever you love that quiets the noise in your head, even for just a little while.
8. Put on comfy clothes.
Getting cozy is a great way to practice self-care. If you’ve taken an entire night for self-care, go ahead and put on those soft sweatpants and baggy sweater. Clothes that feel good on your body will make your mind feel good, too!
9. Pamper your body.
Take a warm bubble bath, apply a face mask, slather on your favorite lotion, and paint your nails. All of these activities may make your body look and feel good, but they’ll relax your mind, as well.
10. Eat your favorite foods.
Whatever your favorite snacks or takeout are, don’t be afraid to indulge! You’d be surprised how far your favorite foods could go to lift your spirits.
11. Go for a walk.
Getting out in nature and going for a walk is a great way to clear your mind. It can get your blood flowing in a relaxing way and gives you time to think through any problems you may have- but don’t stress! Take the time to find peace, no chaos.
12. Turn on your favorite music.
Don’t be afraid to lose yourself in it and dance like nobody’s watching!
13. Watch something that makes you feel good.
Who cares if you’ve already seen it a million times? If it makes you happy, watch it again!